New Postdoctoral Fellowship Fosters International Collaboration
The Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour (SWC) at UCL and the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ESLC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are delighted to announce a new collaborative postdoctoral fellowship. This is a call for candidates to carry out collaborative scientific work between the two institutions, working towards a deeper understanding about how the brain gives rise to behaviour at the intersection of experiment and theory.

ELSC and SWC are two relatively new world-renowned research centres, each combining theory and experiments for understanding brain function from the genetic, cellular, system and whole brain levels. These new postdoctoral fellowships are part of a project to strengthen the ties between academic institutions in Israel and the UK through research, encouraging exchange and collaboration between research groups at the two centres. As well as collaboratively supervised postdoctoral projects, we hope in future to be able to house mutual meetings.
These fellowships will be awarded to projects that are high-risk high-gain. Specifically we seek to recruit postdocs who will help in the SWC and ELSC’s shared mission to develop a theoretical understanding of biological problems in neuroscience.
The deadline for applications is 15 September 2020. Those interested in applying should in the first instance contact one PI from each institution to propose and discuss a project. More information on how to apply can be found on the ELSC website.