
Natural vision involves encoding of complex visual input, which engages a plethora of interacting circuit mechanisms. One signature of such interacting circuit mechanisms is fast oscillatory dynamics, which are reflected in the local field potential (LFP). The localized anatomical and biophysical characteristics of LFP oscillations provide a framework for studying cellular building blocks, communication pathways, and computations of the generating neural circuit.  In my talk, I will show how we apply such circuit-based framework to the study of V1 oscillations, to reveal a temporal and circuit scaffold for studying natural scene processing by neuronal populations.





Laura Busse is an Associate Professor of Organismal Neurobiology at LMU Munich. She is also a member of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience at Munich.  Her research aims to investigate the properties of visual circuits and their fundamental computations. Since sensory information processing always takes place in context, she is particularly interested in studying how neuronal circuit function is modulated by non-visual factors, such as arousal. Major research approaches include measuring and manipulating the activity of neuronal populations using multi-electrode recordings in the visual system of awake, behaving mice.