George Dimitriadis
I have read Biology (AUTh, Greece), Physics (OU, UK) and Psychology (OU, UK) and have a PhD in Protein Mechanics (Leeds University, UK).
I have worked both in industry settings (AVACTA – instrumentation senior scientist, MindAffect – cofounder and Chief Scientific Officer) and academic ones (Donders Institute for Brain and Behaviour, NL - post doc in invasive Brain Computer Interface (with Eric Maris) and in Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UK - post doc in how brains construct a model of their environment (with Adam Kampff)).
I currently hold a joint SWC/Gatsby fellowship researching into transfer learning (i.e. how one goes about learning the underlying rules common in multiple situations) in carbon and silicon based brains, co-sponsored by Athena Akrami (SWC), Peter Latham (Gatsby) and Kim Stanchenfeld (DeepMind).
My main interest lies in the understanding of induction as currently performed by biological brains and hopefully as one day will be performed by man-made ones. To achieve this I aim to bring my (for now mainly experimental) work close to (or even right on) the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, mathematics and philosophy.